Scrapyard Computing

Scrapyard Computing is an idea I’ve been working on since I was in college. Ever since I built my first computer, I knew that this was what I wanted to do. I really enjoy building computers. It doesn’t matter to me what kind of computer I was working on. It could be someone’s home office system, a media center, or someone’s first gaming computer. What I enjoy is the happy feeling that customers get when you’re their hero. Sure, the problem could be as simple as something not having been plugged in or just needing to clone a operating system drive or as complex as salvaging a water damaged system. When you tell that customer who was expecting to buy a whole new computer that they only need a new power supply and you see their expression go from worry to joy, that’s when you know you did a good job as a technician. That’s what I like the most about working on computers. Technician work isn’t the easiest or the most appreciated but when you have the power to make someone’s day just a little bit brighter by being the one to fix the problem they had, that’s the best feeling in the world to me.

My goal with my company is very simple. Build computers and offer repair services at a fair price. That’s my singular goal. I charge a flat labor fee of $100 on all computer builds and services are billed at an hourly rate of $35. While that sounds like a high hourly fee, it really isn’t when you break down how long most common services take to execute. For example, cloning a hard drive to a new solid state drive. On average, the process will take about 45 minutes for a 1TB hard drive. That means the customer would be billed for 45 minutes of labor, or $26.25 + component cost + tax, or just labor + tax if the customer purchased their own solid state drive and brought it in with the computer. Services that take significantly longer, such as case modifications or custom watercooling, will cost significantly more depending on the complexity of the service. A estimated quote will be provided but the final cost will be determined once the service is complete. After enough of those services, a standardized cost will be provided based of average time taken for the service in question.

Running a business solo is not easy and its definitely not a “get rich quick” hustle either. Building a successful business in such a highly competitive market is challenging to say the least. I won’t beg customers to chose me over more expensive rivals that have been in the market for significantly longer than me. That’s an unreasonable request for me to ask but what I can ask for is a consideration when looking to buy your next computer or upgrade your existing one. You don’t build a reputation overnight, it takes time and a lot of work to build the kind of reputation other system integrator have. If I have the opportunity to grow my business to such a size that I would need to hire additional help, then I know what I have here is working and worth doing. If not, I’ll still continue to work hard at my business, if only as a hobby and something I can talk positively. A way to showcase my skills to other employers of what I can do.

If you’ve managed to get to the end of this page, thank you for your time. If you don’t buy anything, that’s ok. Thanks for visiting. If you did make a purchase today, you business is highly appreciated. As a customer, you have the power to vote with your wallet for what you want to support so thank you for choosing to support me. I hope that I can meet or exceed your expectations!